“AYG” center for psychological services organizes and runs educational courses for both psychologists and other specialists interested in psychology. Special training courses (narrow specialization courses, advance classes in theoretical and practical psychology) are organized for beginners and successful specialists in the field of mental health. The courses are aimed at furthering participants’ psychological knowledge and developing their professional skills. For professionals working in other fields theoretical-practical courses are organized aimed at providing general knowledge on mental processes, states, phenomena, personal development stages, methods of psychological study, behavioral motives, psychological self-defense and other important phenomena, as well as a number of skills for self-knowledge, self-regulation and life quality improvement. Participants who successfully complete the courses are awarded with bilingual (Armenian, English) certificates. For participating in any of the courses below, you need to register in advance via the following options:
- Dialing to the following phone numbers: 010 58 18 14, 077 58 18 14, 096 58 18 14;
- Send a message to e-mail address: info@hogeban.am
- Visit “AYG” center for psychological services at the following address: 40, Mashtots Ave.
The material is only available in armenian. Please go to the armenian page
Պարաշարժողական թերապիայի դասընթաց այն մասնագետների համար, ովքեր աշխատում կամ պլանավորում են աշխատել ներառական ոլորտում
The material is only available in armenian. Please go to the armenian page
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.
Այս դասընթացի ընթացքում մանկական հոգեբանները սովորելու են, թե ինչպես կիրառել ԿՎԹ-ն երեխաների հետ տարվող աշխատանքում, քանի որ այն ունի իր յուրահատկությունները՝ խաղերով ու հեքիաթներով։
CBT has been shown to be an effective treatment for children and adolescents with anxiety. This type of therapy is more powerful and cost-effective tools aims to change the beliefs and behaviors at the root of the anxiety, helping to ease symptoms
Դասընթացի նպատակն է նպաստել դպրոցում աշխատող լոգոպեդների մասնագիտական հմտությունների և որակի բարձրացմանը:
The course is run only in Armenian. To view the course program, activate the Armenian page.